Sculpture, L’Air (2e état), 1938–1939 © Aristide Maillol
Maurice Savin ,Nu©️ADAGP, Paris, 2024
Erwin Wurm,Photographie ©️ADAGP, Paris, 2024
Abdoulaye ©️ lyes Griyeb
Lagos Still life I,©️ Wolfgang Tillmans - Courtesy of Galerie Buchholz
Still life after party,©️ Wolfgang Tillmans - Courtesy of Galerie Buchholz
David Hockney, Peter Washing ,1970 ©️David Hockney
David Hockney photographing me on the Pont des Arts, Paris ©️Peter Schlesinger
Louis Fratino, Red Torso ©️Louis Fratino
Aristide Maillol, Nu féminin couché de dos Dina, 1942 ©️Aristide Maillol
Aristide Maillol, Nu assis ©️Aristide Maillol
Aristide Maillol, Nu debout ©️Aristide Maillol
Joan Hoverstadt c/o The Weavers Factory, Ceramic ©️Joan Hoverstadt
Dessin Karl Lagerfeld x Simon Porte Jacquemus ©️Karl Lagerfeld, Simon Porte Jacquemus
Lampe Balthus, édtion Astier de Villatte ©️Balthasar Kłossowski de Rola
Amedeo Modigliani, Le gendarme , Lithographie©️Amedeo Modigliani
Valery Katsuba, Jumping from a rope on the river Oredezh,2006,©️Valery Katsuba
Valery Katsuba,Physical culture lesson,2006,©️Valery Katsuba
Statut en bronze, Pomone aux bras tombants, 1937© Aristide Maillol - Courtesy of Dina Vierny Galerie and Musée Maillol
Figures en bronze: Femme à la jupe, 1995 ; Femme à la robe, 1993 ; Femme debout, 2002 ; La Fillette au cerceau, 1952
Homme debout, 2002 ©Robert Couturier - Courtesy of Galerie Dina Vierny
Silver Centrepiece Designed by: Dagobert Peche, Vienna, around 1920 Executed by: Wiener Werkstätte, 1920's
Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie
©️Dagobert Peche
Silver Centrepiece
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann, before 1913
Executed by: Wiener Werkstätte, 1922, model no. S 3094"
Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie
©️Josef Hoffmann
A pair of Long stem cup
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann, around 1925
Executed by: Wiener Werkstätte, around 1925
Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie
©️Josef Hoffmann
Crystal Drinking set Patrician
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann,1917
Executed by: Lobmeyr
©️Josef Hoffmann
Crystal Drinking set Patrician
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann,1917
Executed by: Lobmeyr
©️Josef Hoffmann
Vélo @Jitensha
Statue Drapée Romaine en marbre, Courtesy of Galerie Chenel
Vase en métal argenté des années 20, Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie ©Josef Hoffmann
Applique en bronze, ©Marc du Plantier
Torse de Dionysos Romain en marbre, Courtesy of Galerie Chenel
Marguerites sur fond rouge foncé, c. 1920, ©Seraphine Louis
Guéridon en laiton , 1935 ©Jean Michel Frank
Silver Ashtrays
Designed by Josef Hoffmann, 1906
Executed by Wiener Werkstätte, model no. M 0558 ©️Josef Hoffmann - Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie
Table lamp ‘Signe de la Terre’ ©️Jean Michel Frank- Courtesy of Maxime Flatry Galerie
Silver Writing Accoutrements
Designed by: Josef Hoffmann, 1906
Executed by: Wiener Werkstätte, around 1909 ©️Josef Hoffmann - Courtesy of Bel Etage Galerie
Architecture and Interior Design: OMA and Unispace